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L'âme d'une guitare brulée finit au paradis

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Guerriers Balubas (2)
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Shut up when I'm talking to you...
ChesterCharlesBennington : j'y penserais :p je voudrais pas non plus qu'on m'oublie lol. bisous grde soeur, j'adoooooooooooo re !!
immortalangel : ce serait du de t'oublier, t tellement super !!gros gros bisouxx et bonne nuit ta gde seur (l'ange...)
tnb : coucou australien ! good vacances. biz
immortalangel : coucou en passant par ici et de gros bisous :)
ChesterCharlesBennington : je suis enfin revenu. il me manquait ce petit coin de toile... bisous à tous
immortalangel : tu nous manque aussi...C'est cool de voir que tu n'abandonnes pas ici :)
tnb : coucou J'aime bien ton fond mais la couleur de la police fait mal aux yeux (enfin c'est ptete mes yeux le pb je sais pas) j'vais aller changer d'yeux a moins que tu changes de couleur ca serait cool !
BIsous et puis vive ici
tnb : j'aime bien comme ca :D
immortalangel : moi aussi j'aime bien :) et toi je t'adore pti frere :)
ChesterCharlesBennington : mirci les gens. kiss
immortalangel : chester de retour ici c cool :) j'espere que tu passes de bonnes vacs et que ca va toujours aussi bien :) Gros bisous, je t'adore
titegreuet : Grand frère
Je ne sais pas si tu vas lire ca... Mais je t'aime très très fort ! Vivement les Solidays =D

My december

TchatcheBlog: My december

My December :

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear

This is my December
This is my snow-covered home
This is my December
This is me alone

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I
Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that
And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was somthing I missed
And I
Take back all the things that I said to you

And I'd give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

This is my December
These are my snow-covered trees
This is me pretending
This is all I need

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I
Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that
And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was somthing I missed
And I
Take back all the things that I said to you

And I'd give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear

Give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to
Give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

Ecrit par ChesterCharlesBennington, le Dimanche 24 Juillet 2005, 20:38 dans la rubrique "Un peu de paroles...".
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